Friday, November 30, 2012

1st Nephi Chapter 1 Verse 1

Today I began reading 1 Nephi Chapter 1 in the Book of Mormon.  Verse 1 has been read by millions of people over and over and over again, but have they ever really thought about what it meant? I find several things interesting about this first verse. 

  1. Nephi identifies himself personally. That might bring a 'duh' from the audience because of course he IS the author of this book. But why did he begin that way? Did you notice I began mine and never even mentioned who I was? I wonder if he was instructed to identify himself, or was taught it was proper etiquette, or was a tradition in his culture. I don't know, but it is nice not to have to wonder "who is this guy and what qualifies him to write this text?" Oh, and I'm Susan, by the way
  2. Nephi states he was born of goodly parents.  I have often wondered why Nephi would begin his writings by telling us this.  What does the word "goodly" mean?  Just plain 'good' or does it go deeper, meaning goodly as in pleasant, desired, upright or affluent? It doesn't really matter to me right now.  I am just grateful he didn't write 'born of perfect parents'.  I am at that stage of life where I look back and think 'what kind of parent was I really?'  We all have pictures in our heads of what WE think we were like; what our children think we were like; what others think we were like and what we were really like.  Did I do everything right? No, but I can honestly say I tried and I was the best parent I could be at the time. I hope my own children's hearts will soften and know that too someday if they feel otherwise. I'm thankful I was born of 'goodly parents'....not perfect, but they gave me a solid foundation to build my life on, have been a positive influence my entire life and are wonderful to me and my family even today. Not everyone can say that.  Thank you Harold and Marilyn Horrocks!
  3. Nephi was educated.....both spiritually, secularlly and culturally.  He was taught somewhat in all the learning of his father.  His parents were responsible people and saw to it that their children were educated.  Obviously he could read and write...both in Hebrew and Egyptian.  How many Jews of his day had that? He sounds intelligent when he writes and is able to explain situations and principles in a meaningful way.  Today we have all the tools around us to obtain a great education yet how many people take it for granted or throw it away?  I listen to the news and interviews sometimes and wonder 'where did they find these people? Do they even know what they are saying or how stupid or unintelligent they look and sound?  They can't even speak proper English!"  I know, unkind....but that is why many thoughts stay in my head and never come out....until today. I am thankful my parents taught me and educated me in 'their ways' it is still up to me to use it all in a positive, meaningful way.  I am grateful Randy and I (yep, finally mentioned my husband's name) always valued education and planned our life so we could help our own children go on and get a higher education, both secularly and spiritually.  3 of the 4 have graduated from college so far and the last is on the path.  But more than secularly, I hope my children will continue to educate themselves spiritually.  I feel it is their spiritual education that will give them the most guidance and best hope for a great future.  I hope as adults they will continue to ponder the scriptures, serve in the church and make the gospel a central part of their lives.
  4. Nephi did not have a perfect life.  He was a normal person!  He saw many afflictions in his days and suffered personal ones as well....but it is how he faced them and what he did about them that set him apart from his brothers.
  5. Nephi was very aware of the Lord and His influence and relevance in his life.  This is what got him through life......his faith in Jesus Christ; his willingness to repent often; his partaking of the ordinances and living the commandments; his constant reliance on and guidance of the Holy Ghost and his hope for the blessings promised through obedience by (this is the really tricky one) continually enduring to the end (or SMF--steadily moving forward) no matter what obstacles he faced.  I hope to be like Nephi.
This picture of Nephi was draw by our friend and artist Chris White from Vancouver, WA.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

the Official Email

Dear Family~
In Stake Conference recently the Stake Presidency introduced the focus and direction our stake will take for 2013 and asked us to participate in some way. I have thought about it a lot over the last 2 weeks and what I would like to do, but also feel impressed to invite you as family members to participate as well if you feel so inclined.

The focus is "Experience the Book of Mormon in 2013 ".  The stake has not asked us to experience it in one particular way, but to read it and have an experience with it over the next year. So to me, that does not mean you necessarily have to read it in order from cover to cover, but can take it topic by topic, story by story, principle by principle or focus on one principle the entire year and become a scripture expert in that topic---read it however it would be most meaningful to you right long as you are reading something from the Book of Mormon as often as possible until it becomes a meaningful habit everyday.

The stake has a website they have started (and I assume will add to) to help get people started.  There are reading charts, FHE ideas and additional resources like CES manuals and seminary materials to supplement your study.  You can take what ideas you want and personalize it for you.

I just finished reading the Book of Mormon as part of Gospel Doctrine study this year, but have started again today by reading the Title page, Introduction and testimonies.  I will begin 1 Nephi tomorrow.  I plan to read it cover to cover and bounce around with cross referencing when I come across something I want more insight to.  I think my personal focus will be to identify powerful 'one-liners' and other scriptures that personally inspire, motivate, uplift, and bring me peace as I approach age <editied>.  By the end of the year I hope to have an experience that is 'life changing' in a personal, positive way.
Hopefully I will be a better wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, individual or something else....whatever the Lord has in store for me.

My plan is to start a blog or something where I can go and write about the 'one-liners' or verses that make an impression on me and how I feel about it.
  It would be fun for ME to hear about your experiences while reading the Book of Mormon too.

Sorry for the Epistle.....but if you got this far, I'm impressed....especially if you married into this crazy family!

I love you all the most and pray every day your testimonies will increase and you will WANT to live the gospel...not because you HAVE to, but because you GET to.
